Progress is / has been made in a very concrete way. Once nameless editors of Wikipedia had vanished that is, they are very quick to shoot contributors down, but very slow to help, hiding in anonymity. A weak point that needs addressing Wiki, can we see only editors who don't hide in the shadows please Wiki.
Other Points noticed and tested out are...
01: Translators who can not recognise a language or the difference between Bio and Autobio.
Your own language recognition helper is readily available, can we see better awareness for such persons in the coming days please.
02: Your minefield of rules and regulations is a clear 'Arrrgggghhh' to contributors, editors can help here more in many ways if made aware of the common pitfalls, quite a few contributors are unaware of the various National sections available. A language recognition as in MS Word would help such contributors immensely.
03: Though the excellent efforts by Wikipedia to integrate other nations into the Wiki Empire is laudable, it is still a need for detailed effort, allow me to enlarge. The article on Victor Felea is easily found in the English version, but search of the same name does not reveal a Romanian version. Bearing in mind that this very Global Village has nationals of umpteen nations living abroad now-a-days. a cross version search would be very beneficial. As I sit here at my desk and search the English version and My Fiancée sits at her desk and searches the Romanian section, we both fail to find the same results.
04: This is very discouraging to say the least for those who have spent their lives behind oppression and control of Foreign powers or dictatorships as their segregation still feels to them to be continuing. A barrier you can easily lower Wiki.
05: Better awareness training for your Editors is a must Wiki, Translate or else be deleted is not an option that many can use, English as a Mother tongue or Second language is not Global yet, offering an option as and when a native translator at the very least is available would ensure more 'Wonderful' contributions will be added. Cross version entries should be encouraged not blown away and lost forever, this segregation and censorship has got to STOP Wiki.
06: This Dictatorial attitude is what they are trying to escape, it has killed thousands and enforcing such a rule is ensuring they do not feel at all welcome in western society! Accept both versions on Wikipedia - it will do no harm and will rather than blatantly kill cultural growth, do the opposite, blatantly encourage it! Innocent victims have suffered enough already.
07: Victor Felea is not in any shape or form an unknown writer, with at least 15 published books to his name and many unpublished, due to censorship. Just because he was unknown due to the Iron Curtain is no reason to 'slur' him or any other who fought in words to create a better world, trusting that those who finally lived in a free society would carry on the works they started!
08: What has society in general lost, never to be seen again due to the weakness you have been enforcing? A few made it Western Society to spread their word, many didn't, please stop adding to the list of 'Many who didn't'
Thankyou to all at Wiki who have not hidden themselves especially Dr AJ Schwab & Joe Mabel.
I make no apologies for 'Slamming' Wiki, finding and stressing weak points was a must for the work of Wiki to continue. Their work is a must for the entire Global Village and deserves a slap now and again to keep it on its toes.
Ps Dr AJ Schwabs comment on languages used has been a typo error on his part on yesterdays blog comment - the offending figure should read '255' not '225' as stated.

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