A barrier on cultural and evolutionary development is being lowered, soon it will not be necessary to enter umpteen addresses on Wiki for the ordinary computer user to find the article they want or they wish to see.
Not all of us can fathom the depths of complexity that simplicity has. To date a simple Wiki search does not reveal both or all results of what ever one is searching for, not all of us are aware that other options are available to find our chosen topic. Basically, the ordinary computer user will either Google or Wiki and accept what is shown, thinking and believing that what they are looking for does not exist yet.
At present as this example shows... this is necessary to find just one person!
But is he elsewhere as well? Who knows! Any ideas without wasting time looking for addresses that don't exist? Are we all expert searchers of this silcon chip controlled library? I firmly believe not.
Soon hopefully this will show collectively, whichever Wiki Search engine is used by who-ever is looking.
Starting with the 2nd link... http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Felea
This appears...
Victor Felea De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Victor Felea (n. 24 mai 1923 - m. 28 martie 1993, Cluj-Napoca) a fost un poet, eseist, şi critic literar clujean, mulţi ani colaborator al revistei Tribuna.
Născut la 24 mai 1923 în comuna Muntele Băişorii (jud. Cluj), ca fiu al lui Toader Felea, preot român unit (greco-catolic), şi al soţiei sale Maria. Licenţiat al Facultăţii de Litere şi Filosofie a Universităţii clujene (1948), el va ocupa posturile de referent literar la Teatrul Naţional din Cluj (1949-1950), redactor la Almanahul literar şi apoi la Steaua (1949-1970); a fost redactor-şef adjunct la revista Tribuna (1970-1985). Din 1949 a fost membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din România. S-a stins din viaţă la 28 martie 1993.
Debutează editorial cu volumul de versuri Murmurul Străzii (1955). Colaborează la majoritatea revistelor literare din ţară (Contemporanul, Gazeta literară, Cronica, Orizont, România literară etc) Premiul revistei Steaua (1968), Premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor (1971, 1983), Premiul Asociaţiei Scriitorilor din Cluj-Napoca (1975, 1979).
A publicat mai multe volume de versuri dintre care:
- Soarele şi liniştea (1958)
- Revers citadin (1966)
- Ritual solitar (1969)
- Sentiment de vîrstă (1972)
- Cîntecul materiei (versuri alese, 1973)
- Cumpăna bucuriei (1975)
- Gulliver (1979)
- De toamnă (1986)
- Decorul speranţei (1988)
- Jucător de rezervă (1990)
Au apărut postum Jurnalul unui poet leneş (2001) şi antologia de versuri alese Ritual solitar (2001). Critica sa de receptare şi comentare a poeţilor s-a distins prin extrema generozitate a recenziilor şi cronicilor grupate în volumele Dialoguri despre poezie, Reflexii critice (1968), Poezie şi critică (1971), Aspecte ale poeziei de azi, I-III (1977-1984). A mai publicat traduceri din Robert Frost, Marcel Brion, Roy MacGregor-Hastie etc.
The 1st link produces... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Felea
Victor Felea From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Victor Felea (24 May 1923 - 28 March 1993) was a poet, essayist, and literary critic from Cluj (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania, a longtime collaborator with the magazine Tribuna.[1]
Born in the commune Muntele Băişorii (Cluj County), he was the son of Greek Catholic priest Toader Felea and his wife Marie. He graduated from the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Cluj (1948; now part of Babeş-Bolyai University), and took the posts of literary reviewer' at the National Theatre Cluj (1949-1950), editor at Almanahul literar and later at Steaua (1949-1970); he was adjunct editor-in-chief of the magazine Tribuna (1970-1985). From 1949 he was a member of the Writers' Union of Romania.[1]
His first published book was the volume of verse Murmurul Străzii ("The Murmur of the Streets", 1955). He published in the majority of Romania's literary magazines (Contemporanul, Gazeta literară, Cronica, Orizont, România literară, etc.) and was awarded the Steaua Literary Magazine Award (1968), the Writers' Union Award (1971, 1983), and the Association of Writers of Cluj-Napoca Award (1975, 1979). His work as a poetry critic is distinguished by the extreme generosity of his reviews and criticism.[1]
[edit] Selected WorksAmong his many volumes of verse were:
- Soarele şi liniştea ("The Sun and the Silence", 1958)
- Revers citadin ("Another Face of the City", 1966)
- Ritual solitar ("Solitary Ritual", 1969)
- Sentiment de vîrstă ("Aging", 1972)
- Cîntecul materiei ("The Song of the Matter", Selected Poems, 1973)
- Cumpăna bucuriei ("Moderate Joy", 1975)
- Gulliver (1979)
- De toamnă ("About Falling", 1986)
- Decorul speranţei ("Landscape of Expectations", 1988)
- Jucător de rezervă ("Reserve Player", 1990)
Additional works appeared posthumously:
- Jurnalul unui poet leneş ("The Journal of an Idle Poet", 2000)
- the anthology of selected verses Ritual solitar ("Solitary Ritual", 2001).
His work as a poetry critic is collected in the volumes
- Dialoguri despre poezie, Reflexii critice ("Dialogues about poetry, Critical Reflections", 1968),
- Poezie şi critică ("Poetry and criticism", 1971),
- Aspecte ale poeziei de azi, I-III ("Aspects of today's poetry I-III", 1977-1984).
He also published translations of Robert Frost, Marcel Brion, Roy MacGregor-Hastie, and others.[1]
A, B, Catch you later dear reader!